VIMATIC welcome opportunity to work with OEM machine manufacturer
to provide a complete automated machine
with vision to our common customers. The following machines are result of our
joint effort with machine makers.
Discrete Product Mold Package & Lead Surface Quality Inspection |
Handling leaframe in reel. Rejects are cut and discard.
- Mold Chip/Void/Crack
- Mold Gate Remain/Mold Offset
- Mold Lead Expose
- Resin on lead/beside lead
- Lead bend/pressed/count
- UPH = 36000
Production Pallet To JEDEC Tray Transfer Handler with BGA Inspection
Handler transfer BGA from production pallets to JEDEC trays.
- Balls size and pitch.
- Balls shift vs package.
- Package orientation and position
- Balls deformation, missing and joint.